Berlin gay sex club

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Otherwise, there are plenty of gay clubs and bars in Schöneberg to get to know the locals in go to Betty F*** Bar’s for a very different form of drag show. If you’re feeling even braver than that, head over to the caverns of the KitKat club for scenes, you won’t ever see again. In the ‘Golden Twenties’ Weimar Republic, Schöneberg saw the establishment of the first gay village in the world, and it’s still the heart of Berlin’s gay scene, although gay culture is so widely accepted that you’ll find a gay scene everywhere.Įveryone will have heard of Berghain, with its strict door policy, dark rooms, and sexual permissiveness. There’s a long history of openness in Berlin, despite repression in Nazi-era Germany. A sensualist’s haven that smashes norms and set trends for gay subculture around the globe Tel Aviv has its beaches, Palm Springs has its clothing optional resorts and New York has well, that city in a class all its own, but Berlin has kinky fetishes and morally-questionable debauchery on a scale that we didn’t even know was possible. Often called the Gayest City in Europe – though with hot competition from Barcelona, Madrid, and Amsterdam – we would almost go as far as claiming Berlin is the biggest gay travel destination on the planet.

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